Before I begin to recount the many festive feelings that have been had this past week since Dom’s Christmas tree has entered my life, it is important to note that I have finished finals and, with that, I am one step closer to graduation in the Spring. Just two more quarters to go and then I will finally be done with school forever and ever! (Feel free to hold this sentence against me if I ever decide to go to grad school in the future.)
We started off the week feeling cool and connected once again thanks to Marti being an awesome director and inviting us to Backroom Shakespeare, where we saw Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 in, you guessed it, the back room of a bar. While I definitely didn’t understand all that was happening, the sword fight was pretty awesome, and there was a nifty crown on top of the king’s head.

Then all the festive feelings really kicked in to gear. First up, the 270 Strategies holiday party, which was just as lovely as it has been the past two years. And then came the Groupon holiday party, which was massive. And massive is probably a massive understatement:

Before we ventured over to the Aragon Ballroom to see Salt-N-Pepa perform (full disclosure: I had no idea who Salt-N-Pepa were until Dom told me they were going to be playing at the Groupon Holiday Party), we went over to Todd and Carolyn’s to play a riveting game of drinking Jenga. Most notable highlight: Dom attempting to speak in a Southern accent…without much success.
The party itself was filled with much loud music, bumping into Dom’s lovely co-workers, an accidental consumption of meat pizza (I promise it was an accident), and some solid dancing and sleuthing.

And then we finished off our festive feelings with a Hanukkah party with Catherine, Jason, and AJ at Dom’s apartment (i.e. with a Christmas tree as a backdrop). After peeling my thumb while making latkes, we only had uphill to go. And uphill we went! (With the slight diversion of Catherine accidentally blowing out four of the menorah candles, and then having to join AJ in downing their glasses of Manischewitz after AJ spun the dreidel off the table during our improvised game of Drinking Dreidel.) We closed out the evening by ordering Chinese food and watching Gogglebox; it was great.
Oh, and we got Hanukkah tattoos. Be envious.