Be There Shortly

Adventures of a five foot traveler.

My First Chrismukkah

I started off this past weekend with a fairly lengthy to-do list: study for my finals, watch our regular weekly British TV programs (including the Doctor Who season finale!), read, eat brunch at Windy City cafe, and ascertain a Christmas tree and a menorah. Things were going pretty smoothly until…

Obstacle #1: The Christmas Tree

While Christmas trees were abundant at Home Depot, Dom and I overestimated our ability to carry it over a mile back to his apartment (granted, our decision to purchase an absolutely massive one probably didn’t help much, either…). So, after struggling to carry the tree mere feet to the front of the store, we decided to borrow a cart and wheel it all the way home. And then wheel the cart all the way back. And then walk back to the apartment once again. Needless to say, we got our exercise in that day.

Just a nice little stroll through the city.

Obstacle #2: The Menorah

I think Dom finally learned the frustrations of being a Jew during the holiday season. After many failed attempts to find a Menorah in time for the first night of Hanukkah on Sunday, we finally found one at a thrift store (aptly named The Ark). Christmas tree decorating and Menorah candle lighting ensued, along with the consumption of way too much gelt and Hanukkah cookies.

Lights abound!
And more lights!

All in all, I’m pretty pleased with my first Chrismukkah experience!

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